Call to all EVOs! We need more amazing people like you to join the EVO Universe. The EVO Universe principles itself on ensuring we represent and create works that reflect the evolution of our world. As a result, we have built our universe on the commitment to have characters and fans that are inclusive, multicultural, ethnically diverse and truly original. Therefore, we welcome you to become an EVO and unite with other EVOs as we continue to grow the EVO Universe.
We are currently building our fan site, which will be finalized soon. In the meantime, you can subscribe to our mailing list below and prepare to enjoy the many updates, perks and special events that EVO Universe will be presenting in the future.
It is great to have you as a part of the EVO Universe. Remember the EVO motto... EVOLVE or, DIE.

Welcome to EVO Universe's visual arts and media studio. You can view book trailers of the epic sci-fi, action adventure, super hero novels that are currently on sale; browse concept artwork for upcoming projects; and enjoy previews of various media projects from EVO Uniiverse.
book trailers
EVO Universe Fan Gallery
(Dedicated to all of our fans)
art gallery
Peruse concept artwork created by our commander, Kipjo Ewers, that were inspired by The First, which will soon be transformed into a spectacular project that EVO Universe will be releasing in 2016.


Get updated news and information for events related to The First series and EVO Universe. Thanks for all of your support.
Kipjo and Jackie

Interview with Examiner.com Editor, Michael Pang
Michael Pang from the Examiner.com interviewed Kipjo about the First Series and EVO Universe. Kipjo shares some personal details about his background, writing style/process and some teasers about our plans for 2016.
We would like to send a special thank you to Michael Pang for this opportunity.
Happy Holidays!

Interview with 360 Beyond on the Creator Spotlight, Ced Pharaoh
Ced Pharaoh from the 360 Beyond sits down to interview Kipjo Ewers about the First Series and EVO Universe. Kipjo shares some personal details about his background, writing style/process and some teasers about our plans for 2016.
We would like to send a special thank you to Ced Pharaoh for this opportunity.

Interview with The Rad Oracle
Ron from "The Rad Oracle" sits down to interview Kipjo Ewers about the First Series and EVO Universe. Kipjo shares some personal details about his background, writing style/process and some teasers about our plans for 2016.
We would like to send a special thank you to Ron for the interview.

A sit down with Lee Avent on "Sensual Sundays" to discuss "The First"
Hello everyone! On Sunday October 5th 2014 I got to sit down and talk with Lee Avent on his radio station show Sensual Sundays to discuss my novel The First, my upcoming novel, and my comic book project on the series based on my novel The First . Click on the link above and check it out! Thanks!