Greetings EVO fans, this is the last day of September, so I thought I would provide some updates on Genesis (The First: Book Three), a major reveal and what else is going on in the EVO Universe.
Genesis has now gone to twenty full chapters with 248 pages and at least eleven of them done. Just give you an idea how close I am to finishing, the major plot and final chapter have been written, and it is a doozy. Right now, I am working on the secondary plot and some filler stories to tie the entire novel together.
I was working on two chapters a week, I am now going to step it up to three or four, so I can finish.
I was hoping to finish in the first two weeks of October but based on my current workload that is not going to be possible. I am now projecting that I will definitely be finished with the novel by the end of October. Then it will go through a series of editing which will take an additional two weeks along with finishing the cover artwork, so at this point, we’re looking for a possible book release around the end of November possibly early December give or take.
A great Christmas present for all of you fans.
Now for the big reveal!

Concept artwork of one of our leading new arch villain Horus for Genesis and the upcoming story arc titled “War of Gods”!
As you can see, I kept his outfit and appearance simple, powerful, and regal.
I wanted a villain who did not actually look like a bad guy, where his actions will speak volumes.
And he is guaranteed to shake the foundation of the EVO Universe and change things forever.
Let me know what you think! Love the look, hate it, needs some modifications, all comments are welcome!
Finally, while you’re all waiting I encourage you paranormal/romance fans to check out my latest novel “Fred & Mary”:
It is the perfect story for this coming Halloween season, one that will tickle your funny bone and warm your heart.
Thank you all for being a part of the EVO Universe, without you reading these stories and showing support, this would not be possible.
Back to work finishing Genesis!
Kipjo K. Ewers
Author/ Founder of the EVO Universe