First and foremost, thank you for your interest in EVO Universe. Publicity is key to our growth and success. We welcome coverage from a wide array of professionals and publications. Please include the following information with your request based on your professional category:
Name of media company
Size of audience
Link to website
Brief description of intended coverage
Name of publication
Size of readership
Methods of distribution (specifiy if distributed via print, online or, both)
Link to publication's website
Brief description of intended coverage
Name of blog and direct link to your blog
Please provide the number of unique monthly visitors to your site
Include all social media handles and basic analytics (audience size, likes and follower count)
Special achievements - i.e. Blog rankings and honors/awards
If you freelance for other publications, please include publication's name(s) and site links
Please submit your request to info@evouniverse.com. Thank you again for your interest in EVO Universe.